Collection: About Us
May 20th 2019, I was blessed with my miracle child Geno, who came into this world at 1lb. 8oz. he stayed in the NICU for 4 months. Everyday was a struggle. I didn't know if he'd make it, and if he did what kind of struggles he would face. So, I began researching many ways to heal different disorders that come with micro preemies. I discovered life changing results from using Cannabis Oil. The oil healed children with disabilities, in fact a miracle worker. In order to cut out the middle man, I then thought I could become a farmer and have an everlasting supply of hemp! This would indeed allow me to extract fresh CBD Oil from my own crop for my miracle child Geno.
I am the First African American Female Hemp/Cannabis farmer in the Tri-County area! I studied the industry to change lives, and impact growth. My products gives satisfactory results. It empowering to know an idea was based on what it could do, not about wealth. My baby Geno is flourishing everyday and is coming along just as any normal child would. HOW AWESOME IS OUR GOD! These products consists of more than just Face, Hair, and Body Care. Undeniably they are a result of all the long nights, sweat, and tears I cried and prayed that my micro baby would be alright.
Hard work and dedication presents to you GENOTYPE FACE, HAIR and BODY CARE LINE. I aimed, perfected and executed for your skincare needs. I will continue to spread awareness the benefits of CBD and make products that bring miracles!
Gen * o *type: The genetic constitution of an individual organism.